Saturday, April 18, 2009

Updates: Discussion Forum and Optimizations

Well, I made some good progress over Chol HaMoed and last Friday. I prototyped the discussion forum feature, and it's working great. I think it will be very cool.

I noticed someone commented on iTunes that the program crashes a lot. I haven't experienced any crashes personally, but I would bet that any crashes are due to memory issues. The iPhone seems to be pretty tight on memory, and my app sucks up a lot of it. I wrote in some optimizations that will reduce the memory footprint a little bit on Friday.

My plan right now is to try to get v1.2 done tomorrow, or next weekend. That will have some speed optimizations and some extra small features. I think I'll wait until 2.0 to include the discussion forum. That will give me time to implement it well, and work out all the bugs. I plan on releasing that with iPhone OS 3.0.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

New discussion forum idea

First of all, thank you to everyone for the great feedback I'm receiving through email.

Someone recently suggested something that reminded me of a feature that I've been planning for a while, but I didn't know how strong the interest would be. They mentioned how they hoped that the app and this blog could start a community discussion about Tanya. I would love to facilitate such a thing, so here's the solution I was thinking of:

Create what is effectively an online message board for Tanya discussion. Anyone would be able to ask questions on the text and discuss with the community. I would hopefully be able to recruit Rabbis to be moderators and correct any misinformation or ill-posed answers. There would also be a way to directly link to citations in the text somehow (maybe taking you to or something)

That's all pretty easy, just an online message board. The twist to it is that I would make an interface to browse these questions, and ask new ones within the Tanya app itself. So you could be reading through a passage on your phone, think of a question, and then instantly post it to this message board. The message board would identify you by your phone, so you could then subsequently be notified when you get a response.

Anyway, it sounds cool to me. I hope it would be useful to people. Please comment if you have any thoughts. With Pesach coming up, I was thinking I might be able to get a Beta version running over chol hamoed.