Sunday, March 23, 2014

Migrating updates

Along with the updates I've made to the app, I've changed around a lot of my workflow in the last 6 years, and so I'm going to start posting my updates to the Facebook page:

Eventually I'll probably phase this blog out, or replace it with a different site.

Friday, January 17, 2014

New Update! v2.0

Great news to all fans! There's a new version of the app that I just approved. Should be appearing in iTunes momentarily.

The original app was written for the original iPhone. Back then, things were a lot different -- the phone could barely print Hebrew (and would always print it backwards). The updates Apple has made to iOS have been great, but I hadn't had time to keep up... until now.

This v2.0 release is a complete re-write, using the newest iPhone tricks. It basically just replicates the original app, but I have plans to add all sorts of bells and whistles soon. The biggest difference you'll notice at first is a remake of the interface. I tried to make it minimalistic to match the iOS7 motif. There's still some issues with the app, but I wanted to get an update out as soon as I could. More soon!

The other major change is the "price." It's still free, but I added an ad-banner to the bottom of the screen. I'm hoping the ads will be reasonable and appropriate, and that will help give me a steady stream of income to offset the costs of keeping the app up. To give people the option of getting rid of all ads, you can also buy an "ad-free" option within the app that will remove all ads permanently.

And, for the curious... why can I suddenly put all this effort into this app that has been left neglected for so long? I spent my last year in a neurosurgery residency, which gave me many great experiences, and G-d willing I was able to help a lot of people. But, although it is an amazing career, I decided it wasn't going to give me the focus in life that I'm looking for. Working on Shabbos, even to save a life, was very hard for me, as well as the time away from my family.

So, I quit and moved back home. I'm currently in-between things, but I'm planning on (IY"H) continuing in anesthesiology. In the meantime, I'm trying to catch up on lost projects... including this app.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Hey all,

As always, I'm overwhelmed with everything. I just started my residency, and in the process I had to move to a new city (which I'm still in the middle of). I feel awful that the app is still out there with bugs in the calender, but I'm not able to edit the code right now to fix it. As soon as things quiet down a little (and I have a house, with a computer in it to edit the code on) I'll try to make a simple update to fix any glaring errors.

For now, I renewed my developer license so you guys could download it again. As always, it costs me $100/yr to keep this going, and I appreciate any help you guys can offer with regards to that. Once I get the update in, I may switch to a paid app (maybe 0.99?) to make it a little easier on me.

Long term, I would love to adopt out the program to another loving developer. I've been shopping around, but so far I haven't found anyone who's willing to take it (and I trust). We'll see where we go from here.

Thanks to all those who have been patient with me, and still use the app. I'll try not to let you down.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Back in business?

Hello all

Sorry for the long "leave of absence" there. Life was unfortunately becoming a little overwhelming for a while, and I wasn't able to keep up with all of my responsibilities (including this app). Like we learn in Tanya, G-d desires the "struggle" of us actively working against our yetzer hara. Apparently G-d also desires the struggle of me making this Tanya app. (As I can imagine Rabbi Taub saying, "How do you know G-d wants you to struggle? Because you're struggling!")

There are several issues with the app currently: there is a bug in the luach that makes it misapply the leap year cycle, the app hasn't been updated to iOS 4.x standards, and I haven't been able to keep up with my membership payments to maintain access to the app.

In addition to my time/money problems, those issues were complicated by the fact that I lost the source code when my computer crashed. Without the source code, I would have to rewrite the whole app from scratch. I know, you're telling yourself "didn't he have a backup?" I did... at least, I thought I did. It took me a real long time to find it, though. For a while I thought I was going crazy. But, B"H, I did just recently find my backup

Now that I have the source code again, I'm going to try to make some time to push out a new version with all the updates. I'd love to get it out before Yud-Tes Kislev, but I don't think that's going to happen. Depending on how my current rotation (OB/Gyn) goes, I'll try to finish it in the next couple weeks. If not, I should be able to do it over winter break.

Thanks to everyone for your patience. Sorry it's taken me this long to get my act together.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What I've been up to

Hey all.

In case anyone is wondering, there have been a couple projects I've been working on lately.

First of all, my son, Yossi. He's great, and keeping me busy.

Second, I've been working on developing an awesome new app for a different website. Not sure if he wants me naming names yet, but IY"H it will be released soon (within the month).

Also, I'm going back and re-writing the whole Tanya app in a way that will allow me to drop new texts in more easily. G-d willing, I will then be able to release more books. I also might release the source code so that others can also contribute.

Oh yeah... and I'm trying to graduate this year [sigh]. IY"H it will all come together.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Error found in 22nd of Kislev

Oi! If you follow the daily learning, you'll notice that today's portion stops halfway through the section. Please go to another source (like to see the full section.

I'll try to send out an update to fix it as quick as I can... but it's not going to come around again until next year, :).

Sorry about that, everyone. I'll also try to look over the rest of the text to see if I can spot any other errors in the luach while I'm putting this update out.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

v1.3 Ready for Sale

Just got the email from Apple that v1.3 is ready. I've been using it for the last week, and I'm very happy with the changes. It feels like it's running pretty stably now.

I'm still working on a bunch of new projects, so hopefully I'll have more fun new releases soon.