Thursday, June 11, 2009

The v1.2 Saga

So... for those of you who are wondering why it took me so long to get v1.2 done, and why it still isn't out yet, here's the background story:

I finished the changes in the code I wanted to make a long time ago. The problem is, a while back Apple stated that all new updates had to compile and run on iPhone OS 3.0.

My computer is a PowerPC Mac. I got it as a broken hand-me-down from the research lab I worked in. I got it running again (sort of), and it's served me well until now. Unfortunately, iPhone OS 3.0 apps won't compile on a PowerPC – Apple changed the SDK to include libraries that won't compile properly on PowerPC machines.

So, I was sort of stuck. I got v1.2 submitted eventually by coming back into the lab I work in after hours and compiling and debugging it there.

But, there were still some bugs in the app, so Apple rejected it. I've had to find times when I can go back into the lab after work (or stay late) to be able to get it done (not good for shalom bayis). As it stands right now, Apple still isn't happy with how it's running.

So that brings us up to now. I just got a new (broken) Intel iMac off of eBay for $250! I've been trying to tweak it the last couple days, and it's actually running pretty well, crashing only occasionally. I think it might work well enough to use, until I can get enough money to actually fix it or buy a working computer.

So, G-d-willing, I'll have v1.2 fixed soon and get it submitted again. I have it running on my phone now, and I love it. It's much faster, and it hasn't crashed once on me yet.

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