Thursday, November 18, 2010

Back in business?

Hello all

Sorry for the long "leave of absence" there. Life was unfortunately becoming a little overwhelming for a while, and I wasn't able to keep up with all of my responsibilities (including this app). Like we learn in Tanya, G-d desires the "struggle" of us actively working against our yetzer hara. Apparently G-d also desires the struggle of me making this Tanya app. (As I can imagine Rabbi Taub saying, "How do you know G-d wants you to struggle? Because you're struggling!")

There are several issues with the app currently: there is a bug in the luach that makes it misapply the leap year cycle, the app hasn't been updated to iOS 4.x standards, and I haven't been able to keep up with my membership payments to maintain access to the app.

In addition to my time/money problems, those issues were complicated by the fact that I lost the source code when my computer crashed. Without the source code, I would have to rewrite the whole app from scratch. I know, you're telling yourself "didn't he have a backup?" I did... at least, I thought I did. It took me a real long time to find it, though. For a while I thought I was going crazy. But, B"H, I did just recently find my backup

Now that I have the source code again, I'm going to try to make some time to push out a new version with all the updates. I'd love to get it out before Yud-Tes Kislev, but I don't think that's going to happen. Depending on how my current rotation (OB/Gyn) goes, I'll try to finish it in the next couple weeks. If not, I should be able to do it over winter break.

Thanks to everyone for your patience. Sorry it's taken me this long to get my act together.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What I've been up to

Hey all.

In case anyone is wondering, there have been a couple projects I've been working on lately.

First of all, my son, Yossi. He's great, and keeping me busy.

Second, I've been working on developing an awesome new app for a different website. Not sure if he wants me naming names yet, but IY"H it will be released soon (within the month).

Also, I'm going back and re-writing the whole Tanya app in a way that will allow me to drop new texts in more easily. G-d willing, I will then be able to release more books. I also might release the source code so that others can also contribute.

Oh yeah... and I'm trying to graduate this year [sigh]. IY"H it will all come together.